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How To Find Your Exact Skin Type?


In this video, we will help you determine your exact skin type. Dr. Jayanthy Ravindran, a board-certified plastic surgeon, specializing in aesthetic works, both surgical and non-surgical will help you to find your skin type.

The simplest way to find your skin type is to wash your face with normal water, after a good day of rest. Dap dry the skin and leave it for an hour. And then, take a blotting paper or even tissue paper and then test the quality of your skin in different zones.

First test it in the T-zone, which contains the forehead, lower forehead, nose, and a bit of a chin. Take tissue paper or blotting paper and wipe the T-zone and then observe the tissue paper. If the tissue paper has oil in it, then you are likely to have oily skin. If the tissue paper is clear, then you have normal skin.

However, if the wiped areas look dry or have aberrations, then you are likely to have dry skin. Most people will have combination skin, as there are more Sebaceous glands in the T-zone area. This is the reason why the T-zone is oily when compared to the rest of the face.

There are more pores in the T-zone area, which are active, which makes it more oily when compared to the remaining parts of the face. By using the right cosmetics and following the right steps, one can get normal skin. Hence, it is very important to choose the proper cosmetics, depending on the skin type.

When someone has sensitive skin, the skin barrier has been lost. Hence, the skin reacts quickly with cosmetics, as it goes inside the skin and triggers an inflammatory response. Hence, people with sensitive skin have to give 6 to 8 weeks of time to rebuild the skin, which then becomes normal skin.

Post this period, one can apply the products recommended for normal skin. Post the repair, there is no need to apply products that are meant for sensitive skin. Also, note that the skin type does not remain the same throughout life.

Hence, one might have to change the products to match the current condition of the skin to get the best possible results. Ex: a person who might not have developed any acne could start developing acne, which could be caused by some procedure. There is no definite answer to find the reason behind the skin type change, which can only be evaluated by a trained practitioner.

One of those reasons could be stress, which could trigger the stress hormone, which could trigger the activity of the Sebaceous glands, which will make the skin oily which could lead to pimples. There are also a lot of studies that have proved that blue light will trigger the inflammatory response and release oxygen-free radicals, which damages the skin and loses the skin barrier.

Hence, always identify the skin type and then choose the cosmetics that will work on your skin. If those cosmetics stops working after a few months, get another skin test done and see then choose the product according to the new skin type.

To find out your skin type is the first step when it comes to taking care of your skin. To find your suitable skincare products, create a routine .first you need to find out your exact skin type. This video not only gives answer to how to find out your skin type but also covers basics skincare, what causes these types and why it is important to know your skin type?

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